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If you like nature in the wildthe Ranch offers an exceptional setting, come and discover its calm and family based ambiance

Legal mentions - Camping « Le Ranch »

Camping « Le Ranch » Simplified joint-stock company with capital of 15000 euros

Head office: :
Camping « Le Ranch »
La Mielle
F-50340 Le Rozel

Tel.: +33 (0)2 33 10 07 10 or +33 (0)2 50 79 51 92

President: M. Louis-Felix Mancel

SIREN: 484 510 219
SIRET: 484 510 219 00013
Cherbourg Corporate and Trade Register B 484 510 219
Activity code (NAF code): Terrains de camping et parcs pour caravanes ou véhicules de loisirs (5530Z)

Publication directors: M. Louis-Felix Mancel

This site is hosted by Infomaniak

Personal data processing:
The personal data collected on this site are used only within a possible commercial relation.
Your personal data are not transfered to any third party.
You have a right to consult, modify and delete your personal data, to exercise your rights, please contact us by phone at +33 (0)2 33 10 07 10 or by mail to the following address :
Camping « Le Ranch »
La Mielle - 50340 Le Rozel
Manche - Normandie